Culture and Heritage
Culture and heritage play a fundamental role in contributing to the preservation of memory, the development of a sense of belonging and the strengthening of the identity and brand image of a locality or region, while being undeniable attractiveness factors.
Nowadays, everyone recognizes the interest of culture and heritage for the quality of life of a neighborhood, a community, the spin-offs in jobs and the income generated by tourists visiting monuments, exhibitions , heritage sites or festivals. Culture and heritage play a fundamental role in contributing to the preservation of memory, the development of a sense of belonging and the strengthening of the identity and brand image of a locality or region, while being undeniable attractiveness factors. But beyond these observations, it is also recognized that culture, in general, and the protection of heritage, in particular, now constitute significant factors in the viable sustainable development of communities.
Concerning both the private and the public, the individual and the community, culture and heritage remain the most diverse objects of reproduction, representation and interest. Forms of representation, cultural symbols, protection of cultural and natural heritage require strategies for consultation, collaboration and sharing. They also require the search for solutions relevant to their intrinsic enhancement in order to make the city, the locality, the region, a pleasant and prosperous living environment, aware of its heritage as well as concerned about their transmission and turned towards the future.
What is the difference between history and intangible cultural heritage?
The difference between the notion of history and that of intangible cultural heritage lies in time.
Indeed, history refers to the past while intangible cultural heritage refers to the present. In other words, history calls on historical facts, reported in the past, while intangible cultural heritage calls on the imagination or the oral memory of the present.
The work of a historian therefore consists in analyzing the writings, the historical archives in order to make an inventory of past events and to bring out the most essential and significant elements of history.
As part of a collection organized by Culture Quintessence, the work of a specialist in intangible cultural heritage consists in safeguarding the imagination, the oral memory or even the anecdotes of people still currently alive, thanks to audio recordings. and video, in order to give substance to the story but also to restore value to these testimonies in the present.
It is essential to become aware of the richness of this intangible cultural heritage, of this living heritage.
The realization of a collection of intangible cultural heritage, living heritage complements the studies of historical archives.
What is heritage?
Heritage is all the property that you inherit from your family. It can be a house, furniture, jewellery, books, photos… It is also all the wealth of a city, a country, and even of humanity. Our cultural heritage is made up of monuments, archaeological sites, works of art, but also traditions and know-how from the past. Our natural heritage is made up of natural sites and the species that live there.
But why should we take care of our heritage?
The treasures of the past are our memory. They help us understand our history and our way of life today. When the terrorists of the Islamic State destroy the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria or the museum of Mosul in Iraq, we are shocked, because a chapter of the history of humanity disappears forever.
From prehistoric times to the present day, people have always built monuments, decorated their homes, worn jewelry, and used tools. Over the centuries, peoples have enriched the techniques that others had invented before them. Thus, after the conquest of Greece, the Romans built their city inspired by the architecture of the Greeks. Then the Christians were inspired by the Romans to build the churches and cathedrals of the Middle Ages…
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The world’s cultural and natural heritage is now protected by UNESCO. Thanks to this organization, the sites are maintained and, if necessary, repaired. But it is also up to everyone to take care of it in order to transmit this memory of humanity to future generations.
What is a culture?
Culture is a body of knowledge that we acquire throughout our lives. This knowledge comes from different fields, whether in the academic or historical context. Culture includes, for example: philosophy, sociology, politic, religion, mathematics or dates that have marked history designating important events and that have built our current world. This culture can also result from the discovery of the world and its treasures.
The culture at school
Throughout your schooling, the teachers will bring you knowledge that will be useful to you in everyday life but also in your professional life. These are the basic notions to assimilate in order to be able to evolve in society and develop one’s intelligence.
The culture used in the higher courses
Culture is very important today in the life of people. It is essential! Indeed, when you decide to join a school or university course, you are asked to take a general culture test. This test is not based on course elements, on the contrary it is based on elements related to history, the country, the world and current events. Schools are using this test more and more because it makes it possible to determine whether the person is curious and informs themselves enough to be able to form their own opinion and thus develop a solid speech.
Culture: a means of differentiating oneself from others
Culture allows you to differentiate yourself from others. Indeed, a more cultured person often presents a more detailed answer with arguments drawn from real facts, current or not, and can thus give their point of view in a more fluid and justified way. This capacity for reflection and association of knowledge is highly appreciated by teachers and the world of work. We can tell you that this will open doors for you to more important positions in your professional life and to achieve your dream.
Culture: a social and enriching aspect
Culture also allows you to discover the world. All lifestyles, values and beliefs are different from country to country. We can thus know how they live, what is important to them and what is not, their concerns, their apprehensions and how they envisage their future. This information will help you adapt and adapt your speech according to the person in front of you. Moreover, it will help you to have a new vision of the world which can be different from that of others.
A social aspect
Culture is not only effective for collecting knowledge, it is also a means of gathering. This aspect is very visible in student life as institutions increasingly promote diversity. It is synonymous with “good living together” and better development of society.
To conclude, culture is necessary and beneficial for oneself and for others. It’s up to you to be curious and maintain it as well as possible.
Culture and Heritage Examples
Cultural property
Cultural property includes tangible or “tangible” cultural heritage, such as works of art. These are generally divided into two categories: movable and immovable. Immovable cultural heritage includes buildings (which may include self-installed artwork such as pipe organs, stained glass windows and murals), large industrial plants, residential projects or other historical sites and monuments. Movable cultural heritage includes books, documents, movable artwork, machinery, clothing, and other artifacts deemed worthy of preservation for the future. This includes items of archaeological, architectural, scientific or technological significance to a particular culture.
Aspects and disciplines of preserving and conserving the material culture include:
- Art conservation
- Museology
- Archival science
- Conservation (cultural heritage)
- Archaeological protection
- Digital preservation
- Phonograph record preservation
Intangible Cultural
The intangible cultural heritage consists of the intangible aspects of a particular culture, usually maintained through social customs of a particular historical period. This concept includes how to behave in a society and the formal rules for doing things in a particular cultural climate. These include social values and traditions, customs, aesthetic and spiritual beliefs, artistic expression, language, and other aspects of human activity. The meaning of physical artifacts can be interpreted as actions in the context of socioeconomic, political, ethnic, religious, and philosophical values aimed at a particular population. By its very nature, intangible cultural heritage is more difficult to preserve than physical objects.
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Sources: PinterPandai, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Science Direct
Photo credit: No-longer-here via Pixabay