Visit Rome Italy – Travel Guide

Visit rome italy Colosseum

Visit Rome Italy – Travel Guide

Tips and essentials for your stay in Rome city. All the information for your stay and visit Rome Italy, such as visiting the must-sees and tourist sites. Your visit and stay in Rome city starts on CleverlySmart.

Tips for your stay in Rome

Welcome to, the online travel guide for your stay in Rome city. What to visit in Rome Italy? We are happy to offer you our best tips for visiting the must-sees of Rome. Due to the many tourists in this Italian city, it is necessary for a number of attractions and sights to be well prepared and to book your tickets in advance. If you follow the advice of, you have all the elements for a successful stay in Rome. Welcome to Roma Italia!

Rome is the capital of Italy with 2.8 million inhabitants, the Romans. According to legend, Rome was founded by the twins Remus and Romulus in 753 BC. The city is located along the Tiber River and was built on seven hills, named the Palatine, the Aventine, the Capitol, the Cælius, the ‘Esquiline, the Quirinal and the Viminal. The area around the Palatine and especially the Capitol later became the center of power of the huge Roman Empire. Here you will find many ruins and archaeological excavations of the Roman Forum and in the Colosseum you will get an idea of how the gladiators had to fight in this huge Roman amphitheater. The Pantheon, nowadays a church, is with its remarkable round open roof, one of the best preserved buildings from Roman times and the Via Appia takes you on a journey through time on one of the oldest routes from Rome. In fact, the entire city of Rome Italy is one huge museum and so it’s no wonder to learn that the entire ancient city center is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Vatican City has a very special micro-state status, with the pope being its head of state. This state occupies only 44 hectares, the largest part being occupied by St. Peter’s Basilica with adjoining St. Peter’s Square, known because of the “Urbi et Orbi” blessings of the Pope. For many visitors, the Sistine Chapel, part of the Vatican Museums, will be the highlight of their visit to Vatican City. The place, known for the conclaves held there to choose a new pope, is decorated with magnificent paintings by Michelangelo.

Collage Rome
Photos: Roma view from the air, Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza della repubblica Roma, The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome (Italy), Trevi fountain in Rome and The Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II. Oliver-Bonjoch, Andreas Tille, Pasgabriele, NormanB, Ra Boe, Roberto Larcher, collection by DaniDF1995, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tourism in Rome Italy

With more than 900 churches, there is not a single city in the world where the Christian faith is so present and visible in the streets. Thus, the city of Rome has four pontifical basilicas and seven pilgrimage churches. The churches outdo each other in beauty and ornamentation, with many works by the great masters such as Bernini, Raphael, Caravaggio and Michelangelo. If you like art, you will be in heaven at the Borghese Gallery. With all these Roman tourist sites and archaeological excavations, magnificent churches, St. Peter’s Basilica, nice working-class neighborhoods like Trastevere, resplendent fountains (a.o. the famous Trevi fountain), delicious trattorias, a photo on the steps romantic spanish but also fashionable clothing stores, Rome city is a chaotic and crowded metropolis where you can easily have fun for a week.

The public transport network in Rome is not very clear. The city has two completed metro lines and a third line, the construction of which, due to numerous archaeological discoveries during the work, is experiencing a lot of delays. To use public transport as a tourist, there are a number of advantageous tourist passes. Read more tips on public transport in Rome in this article.

What to visit in Rome?

The Colosseum

The Colosseum, in other words the enormous amphitheater, is by far the most famous tourist site in Rome Italy. It is even one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

The construction of this amphitheater, the largest in Rome, began in AD 72. J.C. on the request of the Emperor Vespasian. His two sons, Titus and Domitian continued its construction, which was completed in the year 82. At that time, the Colosseum was called the Flavian amphitheater, after the name of the dynasty of these emperors. The name Colosseum only appears in the Middle Ages, in reference to the gigantic 35-meter statue of Nero (called the colossus) located next to the amphitheater.

Rom Colosseum Sept 2021 7
View of the Colosseum in Rome, Sept 2021. Kasa Fue, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Access: Colosseo metro station or many bus lines

Address: Piazza del Colosseo

Opening hours: open every day except January 1 and December 25.
Last Sunday in October to February 15: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
February 16 to March 15: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
From March 16 to the last Sunday in March: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Last Sunday in March to August 31: 8:30 a.m. – 7:15 p.m.
September 1 to 30: 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
From October 1 to the last Saturday in October: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Access closed approximately 1 hour before closing.

Prices: Twin ticket with the Palatine and the Colosseum: €16 full price, audio guide €4. Free for children under 18, reduced price of €2 for young people aged 18 to 25 who are citizens of the European Union.

Official website:

Saint Peter’s basilica

The most famous church in Rome city is of course St. Peter’s Basilica. The basilica is the pope’s residence in the Vatican microstate.

History of the Colosseum

Colosseum, amphitheater RomeIn the year 72 A.D., the Flavian Emperor Vespasian had this amphitheater built, which could accommodate 65,000 spectators. The construction of the Colosseum in Rome lasted 8 years and was financed thanks to the spoils of the looting carried out in Jerusalem. The Colosseum in Rome, also called Amphitheatrum Flavium, was inaugurated by Emperor Titus with games and festivities that lasted 100 days and during which nearly 5,000 animals lost their lives. The Emperor Domitian, successor of Titus, enlarged the amphitheater by adding an additional floor and some spaces under the Colosseum. The Colosseum Rome is thus the largest amphitheater in Roman history and is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Sixtine Chapel

Discover the treasures of the Vatican Museums with the highlight being the Sistine Chapel with its paintings by Michelangelo. It is part of the Vatican Museums, you will access it when visiting the Museums: Vatican Museums

Its name comes from Pope Sixtus IV who had it fitted out, but the realization of the frescoes continued for more than 50 years by several artists. This chapel, used for the private masses of the Popes, is also the place where the conclaves in charge of the election of the Popes meet.

The room is just over 40 meters long by 13 meters wide and culminates at 20 meters.

Access: Ottaviano – San Pietro Metro station or by bus lines 23, 34, 60, 62, …

Address: Viale Vaticano, 100

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (the ticket office closes at 4:00 p.m.). December 24 and 31, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (the ticket office closes at 1 p.m.). Closed on Sunday except the last of the month with opening from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and free entry. Closed on January 1 and 6, February 11, March 19, Easter Sunday and Monday, May 1, June 29, August 14, August 15, November 1, December 8, December 25 and 26.

Prices: €17 full price, free for children under 6, reduced to €8 for visitors aged 6 to 18. Audioguide 7€

Official website:

You have the possibility to buy tickets directly on the official website which will allow you to skip the line with a supplement of 4€.

The Sistine Chapel (5967688938)
The Sistine Chapel. Alex Proimos from Sydney, Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The decoration of the Sistine Chapel breaks down as follows:

The floor: it is paved with marble inlays forming patterns reminiscent of the cosmatesque floors of the 14th century.

The frescoes on the side walls

They were made by the workshops of Perugino, Botticelli, Rosselli and Ghirlandaio. The frescoes on the south side illustrate the life of Moses and those on the north side that of Christ through a series of panels. These frescoes are now incomplete, the panels beginning the story of Moses and Christ having been covered to accommodate the Last Judgment. The birth and discovery of Moses and the nativity of Christ are thus missing. Under these cycles of frescoes are painted hangings and above, the portraits of the Popes, successors of Christ. The frescoes located above the gallery of the Popes represent the ancestors of Christ.

The ceiling:

Originally a simple starry sky, today houses one of Michelangelo’s masterpieces. The initial project provided for the representation of the 12 apostles, but Michelangelo suggested to Pope Julius II the realization of a more ambitious work. He thus created nine panels in the center of the vault on the theme of creation, Adam and Eve and Moses.

Each theme is made up of 3 panels. Some of these frescoes are extremely famous and often depicted, such as the creation of Adam and Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise.

Around these central panels (on the lower panels) are depicted the ancestors of Christ, episodes from the Old Testament as well as Sibyls and Prophets.

The vault of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican is the greatest undertaking of the Renaissance. Мікеланджело, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Last Judgment fresco:

Located on the wall behind the altar, this is Michelangelo’s other masterpiece. Made between 1536 and 1541, this very large fresco represents the Last Judgment. In the center, Christ shrouded in light is surrounded by the Virgin and numerous saints (Saint Peter with the keys, Saint Laurent with his grill…) who look frightened, astonished or curious as they await the Last Judgment. Above, angels carry the instruments of the Passion (the cross, the crown of thorns, the column of flagellation…)

Under Christ, the angels of the Apocalypse sound their trumpets to awaken the dead.

On the right, the damned are thrown into hell, welcomed by Charon, the ferryman, who strikes them with his oar. On the left, the elect ascend to heaven.

The fresco had a mixed reception, some crying scandal at the sight of these too often naked and indecent bodies or even by the representation of a Christ, too young and without a beard.

A few years later, additions were made to hide the indecent parts of the bodies… Other additions were still made afterwards.

These frescoes were restored in the 90s and allowed to find the magnificent original colors. The most recent additions, hiding the bodies, have been removed but the oldest have been retained.

The wall opposite the Last Judgment also has frescoes, which complete the life cycle of Moses and Christ.

Basilica di San Pietro

The ‘Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano’ was built between 1506 and 1626 on the remains of a church from the period of Emperor Constantine the Great (324). According to the legend, the body of Saint-Pierre would rest in this church. Due to the long period of construction, many creators have succeeded and worked at St. Peter’s Basilica such as Bramantes, Raphael, Antonio del Sangallo, Michelangelo and Carlo Maderno. Gian Lorenzo Bernini (known as Le Bernin) is the author of the many ornaments of the basilica. The dimensions in particular (136 meters high and 186 x 123 meters wide) make this basilica impressive.

Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome is located in the Vatican, in the west of the city. It is the principal church of Catholicism, its spiritual center and also the largest. Note that it is not the cathedral of Rome since it is Saint John of Lateran who performs this function. Its architecture, its beauty and its richness make it one of the essential stages of a stay in Rome.

Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano September 2015-1a
Main façade and dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, seen from St. Peter’s Square. Alvesgaspar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Access: Ottaviano – San Pietro Metro station or by bus lines 23, 34, 60, 62, …

Address: Piazza San Pietro

Opening hours: from April 1 to September 30, every day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. From October 1 to March 30, daily from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. On Wednesdays, in the event of a papal audience, the basilica is only open from 1:00 p.m. Closed on January 1 and 6.

Prices: free

Please note that due to heightened security checks, access may take some time, with sometimes a long queue in direct sunlight. Access to Saint Peter’s Basilica is free, that of the dome paying.

Piazza di San Pietro ( Ank Kumar, Infosys Limited) 01
Piazza di San Pietro/ St Peter’s square at night. Ank Kumar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The history of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome dates back to early Christianity.

It is built on the site of the tomb of Saint Peter, apostle of Christ, near the old circus of Nero in which Saint Peter was tortured as well as many Christians.

The obelisk adorning Saint Peter’s Square comes from this circus.

A small building seems to have existed from the 2nd century, in honor of Saint Peter.

But it was the Emperor Constantine who had a large basilica with five naves built on this site from the year 319.

This basilica was already richly decorated and has been restored and enlarged several times.


The Pantheon is one of the best preserved monuments from Roman times. The building with a particular open roof is nowadays a church.

Located in the historic heart of the city, between Piazza Navona and the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon is one of Rome’s emblematic monuments. This intact ancient Roman temple is a must!

Access: Located in the heart of Rome, it is best to reach it on foot or by bus, many bus lines pass through Corso Vittorio Emmanuele II (40, 46, 62, 63, 64, 70…)

Address: Piazza della Rotonda

Opening hours: open every day from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Sundays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and public holidays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Closed on January 1, May 1 and December 25.

Prices: free entry. Audio guide at 5€

Roman Forum

The Roman Forum was the seat of power during the Roman Empire. Visit these Roman archaeological excavations and the Palatine Hill.

Located between the Capitol and the Colosseum, the Roman Forum is a vast space with many ruins from the Roman era. To allow you to better understand this somewhat chaotic ensemble, we advise you to start the visit from the Capitol, which will allow you to have an overview of the ruins and to better discern their contours. Admission is charged with a combined Colosseum + Palatine ticket.

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View of the Roman Forum from the Capitoline Museums in Rome. Picture taken from the Capitoline Museums. BeBo86, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Access: Colosseo metro station or many bus lines

Address: 2 possible entries:
Via dei Fori Imperiali (approximately in the middle) taking the small alley Largo Salara Vecchia.
Via di San Gregorio, 30: this is also the entrance to the Palatine, located on the Colosseum side.

Opening hours: open every day except January 1 and December 25.
Last Sunday in October to February 15: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
February 16 to March 15: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
From March 16 to the last Sunday in March: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Last Sunday in March to August 31: 8:30 a.m. – 7:15 p.m.
September 1 to 30: 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
From October 1 to the last Saturday in October: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Access closed approximately 1 hour before closing.

Prices: Twin ticket with the Palatine and the Colosseum: €16 full price, audio guide €4. Free for children under 18, reduced price of €2 for young people aged 18 to 25 who are citizens of the European Union.

Official site:

Trevi Fountain

The most famous fountain in the world is probably the Trevi Fountain. Toss a coin in this fountain and you will one day return to Rome Italy.

Built at the request of Pope Clement XII, it is the work of Nicolas Salvi who completed it in 1762. The fountain came to replace the mouth of the Roman aqueduct which still brings water from a spring, the Acqua Virginia. Legend has it that a young girl named Trevi revealed the location of the spring to Roman soldiers to save her virginity. You will find this story told on the right bas-relief of the fountain.

This monumental fountain, backed by a palace, takes the form of a temple or a triumphal arch.

Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy 2 - May 2007
Trevi Fountain. Diliff, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The fountain is an allegory of the ocean with, in the centre, Neptune, standing on a shell-shaped chariot, drawn by two sea horses, representing violent water (left) and calm water (right). They are guided by two tritons.

The statues on either side of Neptune represent abundance and wholesomeness.
The statues above, surrounding the main inscription, represent the four seasons.

It is traditional to throw 2 coins into the fountain, one to make a wish, the other to be sure to return to Rome! For a perfect toss, hold the coins in your right hand, face away from the fountain and toss the coins over your left shoulder!
The coins are collected every morning by the city’s services and represent more than one million euros per year! The sums thus collected are currently redistributed to charities despite the city’s regular attempts to get their hands on this windfall…

Located in the heart of the city, near the Pantheon and the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain is the most famous fountain in Rome and a must-visit place!

Access: Barberini Metro station or one of the many bus lines passing nearby (52, 62, 63, 71 80, 83, 116, …)

Address: Piazza di Trevi

Prices: free.

The best time to visit Rome Italy

Rome Italy enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot to very hot summers. With its 2500 hours of sunshine per year, there is a good chance of good weather during your visit. Rome city can be visited all year round, but the best time is still spring and autumn. The Mediterranean Sea guarantees you pleasant temperatures at this time of the year and sunny weather. While in July and August, the weather is generally dry and very sunny, and temperatures can rise very quickly (regularly above 30 degrees), often in combination with pollution. Winters in Rome are mild, with temperatures hovering between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. Winters are cold and wet, but there is very little chance that you will encounter snow.

Photo credit: user32212 via Pixabay

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