Delta Symbol Uppercase Δ or Lowercase δ


Delta Symbol Uppercase Δ or Lowercase δ

Delta symbol Δ is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, which corresponds to the “d” of our alphabet.

In the capital letter, “delta” is known for its triangular shape. The Greeks used it to designate the regions located at the mouth of the Nile. This geographical meaning has been retained, “delta” nowadays designating the area formed by the alluvium brought by the branches of a river to its mouth.

In science, “? is often used to describe a difference between two quantities. It is also used in everyday language: “There is a delta between your promise and reality! »

The capital or uppercase greek letter Δ (Delta) is used in mathematics to represent the change in a variable (a value that can change in a given range of questions or a set of operations).

How to make the delta symbol on keyboard?

How to make the “Delta” symbol (δ or Δ)?

  • Make the “Delta” symbol under Windows (Microsoft software) Make the “Delta” symbol in uppercase: Alt + 9 1 6 –> Δ …
  • Make the “Delta” symbol in Mac / MacOS. Make the “Delta” symbol (capital letter): ⌥ Alt + ⇧ Shift + D –> Δ

Read also: Math Symbol | What Does This Symbol Mean in Mathematics?


The symbolizes the four elements. It is therefore a reference of sum, totality, entirety

is a symbol associated with evil as it represents death or the end of the journey and, given the triangular shape of the location of most river mouths, the river delta is the name given to this region, which is characterized by being very fertile.

The association of the triangle with the four elements is also used in alchemy, where the ascending triangle represents fire; up with a horizontal line, air; down, water and down with a horizontal line, land.

The triangle is part of a series of beliefs and therefore has several meanings, some of which are: beginning, middle and end or body, soul and spirit.

The triangle, or delta, is present in the composition of symbols, such as:

All-Seeing Eye: Usually within a triangle, this symbol represents spiritual knowledge or omniscience. It constitutes the symbolism of the Illuminati, as well as Masonry and Christianity.

Star of David: symbolizes the union of opposites, as it is formed by an ascending and descending triangle. His origin is Jewish.

4 Differences in the Delta symbol

I know that the differences between these 4 notations are very vague and very often cause problems. We have great difficulty in perceiving the nuance, so I will try to clarify the matter for you. 🙂

1) Δ (capital letter delta)

It is a global total variation (a difference between 2 quantities). For example: you measure blood sugar in the morning before breakfast (value 1) and you measure it in the evening after eating (value 2). The overall variation in blood sugar between these two times of the day is Δ = value 2 – value 1

2) d

It is a total local variation due to the fact that a quantity does not always vary in a constant manner.

For example, blood sugar can increase, decrease, stabilize depending on the time of day. d therefore represents a small variation, over a short time (or two close points): it is measured at the local scale.

If we take our blood sugar, the variation in blood sugar between 2 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. is our little d (for example).

3) ∂ (d round)

In mathematics it is called partial derivative.

A quantity can depend on several variables. Your glycemia depends on both the quantity of glucose ingested/injected and the quantity consumed by your muscles (good for you in PACES there is not so much), your brain (there you break records), your liver (and there c it’s the P2s who take control), etc.

∂ is in fact a local partial variation. For example, it is the variation in blood sugar observed after 10 minutes due to a shot of glucose (MIAM SLURP). Here we therefore have the local but partial variation because we only see one variable (which is the injection of glucose).

4) δ (lowercase delta)

This one designates an elementary quantity.

A variation can be studied as resulting from the successive accumulation of several small contributions. A contribution in itself is not a variation strictly speaking: it is an elementary quantity.

Let’s imagine that my Co-RM is designated as a guinea pig (randomly huh). If I decide to give him shots of 5 g/L of glucose every 5 minutes, the quantity 5 g/L is not a variation in blood sugar: it does not correspond to a difference between two values, it is just a numerical value.

One variation would have been the difference in g/L of glucose in his blood between time t0 and time t20. This variation depends on my numerical value: it seems normal that at time t20 Margaux has 5 x 4 = 20 g/L more glucose in her blood than at time t0).

The variation is +20 g/L and the elementary quantity is δ = 5 g/L.

Sources: PinterPandai, Greek Symbols, Toppr, Cultural Symbolism

Photo credit: Vladsinger (Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

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