Catholic Prayer For the Sick

Catholic prayer for the sick

Catholic Prayer For the Sick

In Catholic spirituality, healing prayer is a process that asks God, creator of all things, to come and heal us. There are many healing prayers, here you will find an inner healing prayer in Jesus name, for the Catholic prayer for the sick.

When we are weakened, during an illness, we know that our salvation and our support come from heaven. Jesus came to earth for us and performed many healings, body and soul. Here are prayers to address to the Lord, with the intercession of great saints, to ask for healing for oneself or the healing of a loved one.

Padre Pio’s Powerful Healing Prayer

Here is the prayer of Saint Padre Pio asking God for healing.

O my Jesus, give me your strength when my poor nature revolts before the evils that threaten it, so that I can lovingly accept the sorrows and distresses of this life of exile.

I adhere with all my strength to your merits, to your sorrows, to your atonement, to your tears, so that I may work with you in the work of salvation and may have the strength to flee from sin, the sole cause of your agony, your bloody sweat and your death.

Destroy in me everything that displeases you and impress in my heart, with the fire of your holy love, all your sufferings. Kiss me so intimately, with an embrace so strong and so sweet, that I will never leave you in your cruel torments.

I only ask for one rest: on your Heart. I desire only one thing: to participate in your holy Agony. May my soul be drunk on your blood and feed on the bread of your pain.

Enlighten, protect and guide me. Now and for ever.


Prayer to ask for healing for a sick acquaintance, friend or relative

“Lord my God, you who are the sovereign God, the creator of all things, I give you thanks and I implore you.
Lord Jesus, you who are God and Savior, true God and true man, I bless you and I ask for your intervention.
Lord Holy Spirit, you who are the defender of the children of God, I invoke you.
Holy Trinity through the intercession of our heavenly mother, of Saint Raphael and of all the saints in heaven, I need the graces of healing for ……….. who is sick and who suffers.

Forgive him all his sins in thought, deed and omission. Do not retain his sins, forgive and forget Lord his faults.

Lord Jesus, you have known suffering so that man may be saved. You became man so that man could commune with God. During your earthly stay, you healed the sick, you raised the dead. You came to earth to free man from suffering. And you have given power to your disciples and to your church to heal and deliver in your name all who are bedridden with sickness. In the name of my faith and the faith of your one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, united with the Church and its ordained ministers, I ask for healing in your name for ………..

Yes Lord, please, may this disease pass away and he may get up from his bed and resume his activities. Yes Lord………is also a son or daughter of Abraham. Like in the past, the woman suffering from blood loss, like the blind man of Jericho, like the paralytic and all the sick whom you heal, even today if you want it Lord you can heal…….. That your will be done for him Lord. Yours is the honor, yours is the glory, forever and ever.

Read also: Catholic Prayer for Forgiveness of Sins | How do I ask God for forgiveness?

Novena Prayer and Spiritual Direction

Sources: PinterPandai, Catholic Online, The Catholic Health Association of the United States

Photo credit: Jplenio / Pixabay

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