Health and Medicine

Health and Medicine

Health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist solely of the absence of disease or infirmity”. In this definition by the World Health Organization, WHO, since 1946, health represents “one of the fundamental rights of every human being, whatever their race, religion, political opinions, economic or social condition”.
Contemporary medicine uses clinical examination, healthcare, research, and biomedical technologies to diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses, usually through the prescription of drugs, surgery, or other forms of therapy.

Well-being and ill-being

How to define well-being (which some write well-being)? The answer is far from simple, because there are several kinds of well-being: physical, mental, at work, material, etc. Very schematically, one can estimate that it is about a pleasant state, of eminently variable duration, procured by the satisfaction of the needs of the body and by the peace of the mind: a good relaxing massage procures an extraordinary feeling of good -be physical, unfortunately short-lived Zen

In a particularly stressful world, especially at work, we can also say that well-being consists first of not feeling stressed, in being “zen”, to use a fashionable expression.

The antonymous notion is that of discomfort, just as difficult to define, but which can be experienced in a very painful way, especially if this discomfort is permanent, pushing some to suicide. The pain of living has never been so well described as in Barbara’s eponymous song (which ends happily with the unexpected appearance of the joy of living).

The legitimate aspiration to well-being is reflected in the current vogue for books dealing with the so-called philosophy of happiness and its counterpart, personal development, which often make big bookstores. It should be noted that psychologists and sociologists hardly ever speak of happiness, but of subjective well-being, which we seek to assess through surveys. This expression is a little redundant, because well-being, being a sensation, is by nature a subjective notion.

But by the way, do you need a happiness teacher to be happy, or a coach to grow personally? For some, the answer is clearly yes!

We can also consider as a matter of well-being the more and more frequent recourse to aesthetic surgery and medicine, which are not accessible to all budgets.

Psychoanalysis As for psychoanalysis, it is hoped that it provides its followers with a feeling of well-being equal to the sums paid by the therapist to his therapist.

Unlike health, which is a given that can be objectified, well-being is purely subjective: well-being or ill-being, it is felt, can be told eventually, but it is not evaluated, cannot be measured, nor transmitted by contagion.

Health and disease

How to define health? The simplest definition is that health is the absence of disease, both physical and mental. It’s a bit short.

Recall the WHO definition, formulated in 1946, and unchanged since: “health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist only of the absence of disease or infirmity”. Question: Should a person with a perfectly tolerated congenital disability be considered in poor health simply because of their disability?

It is clear that, defined in the WHO way, health is not a goal that can be achieved, but a pure pipe dream. In these conditions, the role of medicine and physicians is to provide as many people as possible not health, but the conditions to achieve as close to health as possible. To achieve this, the role of hygiene and prevention is essential.

Just as there are illnesses that affect the body and other minds, so there is physical health and mental health, both components of health in the broadest sense.

Types of Antibiotics and List of Antibiotics


List of Diseases: dermatological, cardiovascular, respiratory, cancer, eye, genetic, infectious, mental illness, rare

Listeriosis (Listeria)


Diseases | List of Diseases: dermatological, cardiovascular, respiratory, cancer, eye, genetic, infectious, mental illness, rare