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Foods Rich in Potassium (Kalium) | What Foods With Potassium in Them? Good For Heart And Bones

Foods rich in potassium

Foods rich in potassium

10 Foods Rich in Potassium

Potassium plays an essential role in the proper functioning of cells, tissues and organs in the body. It is an electrolyte, that is, it carries a small electrical charge intended to conduct electricity in the body. It is involved in muscle contraction, including that of the heart, and has a positive effect in lowering blood pressure, especially by balancing sodium intake. A potassium deficiency can thus increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, glucose intolerance and can even lead to fatigue and muscle cramps. Here are 10 foods rich in potassium that you can include in your daily diet.

Potassium is found especially in legumes (white beans, lentils, etc.), vegetables (chard, spinach, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, etc.), fruits (avocados, bananas, apricots, citrus fruits, blackcurrants, etc.) and dry fruits (nuts, almonds, pistachios, dates, figs…).

It is also very present in meat, lean and especially fatty fish, chocolate and whole grains.

Only fatty substances, whether of animal origin (butter, crème fraîche), vegetable (oil, vegetalin) or mixed (margarine), are practically devoid of potassium.

1. Meat

Beef, veal, pork and chicken contain a significant amount of potassium. Cold meats, especially salami, are among the foods that contain the most with nearly 1300 mg for a 100 g serving. Other cuts and meat products can provide 300 to 650 mg of potassium per 100 g. Be careful, cold meats are often fatty and salty food, so it is important not to eat too much of them.

Read also: Potassium is the chemical element with atomic number 19, symbol K (from the Latin kalium)

2. Beans

Beans Whether black or white, beans are high in potassium in addition to their fiber and protein content. In addition to its satiating effect, black bean also contains magnesium, calcium and folate. It is a very large purveyor of potassium, with almost 1400 mg per 100 g serving.

3. Dried fruits

Soft dried fruits like prunes, apricots, dates, figs and grapes are a good source of potassium and fiber. Rich in trace elements, they are beneficial for health, but should not be abused given their sugar and calorie content. Dried apricots are the highest in potassium with over 1000 mg in a 100 g serving.

4. Fish

Fish and shellfish are great suppliers of potassium. Salmon, in addition to being rich in B vitamins, protein and omega-3 fatty acids useful for the brain and heart also contains potassium, at an average rate of 600 mg per 100 g. Other fish like cod or cuttlefish can contain up to 800 mg per 100 g serving.

5. Flax seeds

Flax seeds are particularly beneficial for health. Rich in potassium, they contain around 850 mg per 100 g. In addition to this intake, these foods are excellent suppliers of fatty acids such as omega-3 or oleic acid. They also help increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood while reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

6. Garlic

plant against hypertension With nearly 530 mg of potassium per 100 g of garlic, the consumption of this food allows to cover a good part of the necessary daily allowance which is between 2 to 6 g. Rich in vitamin B6, calcium, manganese and copper, garlic is a healthy food and a condiment that can accompany any dish. It is particularly indicated in a diet without salt since its sodium content remains very low.

7. Banana

Fruit consumption preventing type 2 diabetes Bananas are among the foods richest in potassium. It can contain up to more than 400 mg of this mineral per 100 g. Very popular with athletes, this fruit effectively contributes to limiting the appearance of stiffness or cramps during exertion. It also facilitates recovery thanks to its energy contribution.

8. Avocado

Avocado is a good source of potassium, with almost 350 mg per 100 g of fruit. Its sweet flavor and smooth flesh are a real treat for the taste buds. It also provides the body with a healthy dose of copper, protein and fiber.

9. The sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain a significant amount of potassium, around 350 mg per 100 g. It is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, copper and manganese. Consuming this food can help prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

10. Potato

The potato is rich in potassium, around 350 mg per 100 g. It is advisable to consume it baked or boiled to better benefit from all its benefits. This food also contains a good dose of vitamin C and magnesium.

Sources: Oxford University Press, National Institutes of Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Photo credit: Stocksnap

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